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Post by : BRIG. SANDEEP RAWAT Post on : 01.01.2020

Dear Friends,

A very warm Namaste and a resounding Jai Hind!

And, of course, let me wish you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020!!

As you can see, this is a new blog.  More importantly, I am a newly minted blogger!  As I step into these (for me) uncharted waters and begin my journey of exploration and discovery, I welcome you to join me in my endeavor to demystify the Indian Armed Forces and examine ways to make it not only your chosen profession, but your way of life.

For those of you who have had the privilege of living this unique and enriching life, may I request you to also share your experiences, views and suggestions or, advice for the young readers, who (hopefully) will read these views and experiences and who knows, may also be motivated to join this hallowed profession and to make it their way of life.  My endeavor would also be to share inputs about the Officers’ Training Academies, including their selection process, and to guide these motivated young boys and girls, men and women to fulfill their ambition.

And for those young people of steel (or, their justly proud parents or, relatives / friends) who are thinking of making this noble profession your own and a way of life, please feel free to ask any question which bothers you about the process, or, life in general.  I do not claim to know all the answers but, will definitely seek them from experts, who know better.

“Ha!” you wonder, “Who is this presumptuous *** who thinks he is competent enough to talk about this subject?!!” And so it should be; for, healthy skepticism is a hallmark of intelligence.  In order to to set the record straight, let me introduce myself. (Although there is a section which gives my brief profile but, then again, who reads these things anyway!  Plus, there is a word limit in the profile section to consider!!).  So, here goes :

I am Brigadier Sandeep Rawat (Retired), an Indian Army Veteran and an alumnus of the NDA (where I had the honour to be awarded the President’s Bronze Medal for standing third in the overall order of Merit). I was commissioned into the Corps of Engineers in Dec 1983 and had the privilege of commanding an Engineer Regiment and of serving as the Chief Engineer of an operational Corps.

I was selected for and have completed the Group Testing Officers (GTO) Course (at DIPR and Bhopal), Staff Course at the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington and the Higher Air Command Course at the College of Air Warfare, Secunderabad.   Somewhere along the journey, I also acquired the Master of Technology (Civil) degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, along with the prestigious Dogra Medal and the NBCC Award for Excellence.   Master of Philosophy (Defence and Strategic Studies) from the Osmania University also followed in due course.

In my last appointment in service, I was posted in the Higher Command Wing as a Directing Staff at the Army War College, which trains select officers of the Indian Armed Forces for staff and command roles at the operational and strategic levels.

And now here I am, 40 years since I joined the NDA, trying to motivate and guide youngsters to ‘make the Indian Armed Forces a way of their lives’!!

An auspicious beginning, I hope, as the first day of the New Year dawns on us.  May the New Year 2020 be as stimulating and successful as you wish it to be and may your dreams come true through your hard work.  A special wish for those who are a part of the Armed Forces Family and those who are looking to make the Indian Armed Forces their, or their wards’, way of life.

See you with my next blog soon!!

Till then, Farewell.



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