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Pranjal Bahuguna

Mr Pranjal Bahuguna is an alumnus of the Panjab University and was awarded a Masters Degree in English Literature and Cultural Studies from the premier institution.

Pranjal’s interest in the teaching profession arose when he was pursuing his Master’s degree. Coming from an Army family, he resolved to dedicate his time and skills to provide the next generation of young men, who were striving for a career in the Armed Forces, the tools to communicate effectively through spoken and written words. Moreover, it was his vision to instil a love for and value of literature in the coming generation of students, so that they could carry it into any career they chose to pursue, that firmed up his conviction to continue in the teaching profession. He wishes to live vicariously through his myriad successful students.

To that end, Pranjal has been instrumental in planning a demanding, diversified curriculum, with a variety of modalities to appeal to all types of learners. He has consistently integrated visual components, scaffolded instruction, and mixed-ability group work to assist English language learners. He also brings an unbridled enthusiasm for technological integration into the classroom, resulting in a unique balance of fun and professionalism.

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